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Krafty Travel - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes

Hello & Welcome to our wedding website!
We can’t wait to see you on our big day! Thank you to all of our friends and family for your support over the years. We are so grateful to have everyone in our lives. 

Please take the a moment to read how we met and check out our honeymoon registry. We are planning a 7 Day honeymoon to Jamaica.  Don't forget to come back and visit! We’ll be continuously updating our site as we get closer to the wedding day.


PJ & Trish

For those of you who are curious, PJ and I first met the summer going into 10th grade. Sarah and Pj had come over to my house to see my older sister Erika. PJ decided to tag along because he caught wind that i would be there. Nothing came from us meeting that year, other than a few good jokes about his hair almost being the same length as mine. A few years go by and we meet again in June of 2011. This time around we were both helping set up a benefit dinner at the Old Calvary Church. I was a little upset that my sister didn't inform me PJ was there because i had literally rolled out of bed to help set up.. no make up.. no cute outfit... and crazy bed head. I was a hot mess! After setting up for the benefit dinner I went over to sarah's house to shower and get ready. After i got ready for the dinner PJ had stopped over and said (in a shocking voice) "Wow, you clean up nice!" I rememeber thinking to myself while getting ready that i really need to look good because i had the hot's for him and i didn't want him to be scared away by bed head hair.  After exchanging numbers and a few dates we were both inseperateable... and the rest is history :)
